sarcasm [sahr-kaz-uhm] noun
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
1570–80; < Late Latin sarcasmus < Greek sarkasmós, derivative of sarkázein, to rend (flesh), sneer; see sarco-Sarcasm. A cutting remark. A sneering attitude.

And yet, we live in an extremely sarcastic society. Sarcasm is the first tool to which many of us turn when attempting humor, or argument. Sarcasm is what we use to demonstrate our disdain for an idea or a person. It is also a demonstration of our sense of self-superiority. It's a prideful gesture.
Sarcasm is often used in place of a sound argument. It is typically a sign of weak reasoning, or a lack of solid facts from which to argue. Sarcasm is the first resort of a weak mind.
Yet, we all use sarcasm. It makes us feel powerful. It makes us feel good. It makes others feel stupid and inferior...unless they are sure of their facts. Then it makes us look like fools. Attempting to take cheap shots at the intellect of another when he holds a firm grip on truth and reality, and when his belief in that truth is unwavering, is a fool's errand. It is the mark of a fool.
We profess love for one another, yet commit verbal violence. It's a sad contradiction. If sarcasm is derived from the term to rend as flesh, why do we do that to those we claim to love? Is it to feel superior to them? If so, then we do not truly love. Is it to dominate a disagreement? Then we do not love. Our sarcasm renders our claims of love fraudulent.
Can we not speak the truth in love? Can we not simply state facts? Can we not show our love for one another even in our disagreements?
Your sarcasm does not cause intelligent men to think you intelligent. Just the opposite, really. For your sarcasm is a failure of reasoning. It is mental weakness on display.
It is not included in Jesus' description of the fruit of the spirit.
Just something God's been working on in my spirit. Thought I'd share.
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