Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Cult of Juvenility in America

We recently endured a very long and arduous political campaign season.  Pundits pontificated, politicians polled and pandered, the media manipulated and voters vacillated.  The volume of news, non-news and outright falsehoods that saturated the airwaves and the internet was deafening.  People were passionate about their beliefs and more than willing to share them.  I know.  I was one of those people.

Being an observer of human nature, I was fascinated by the acidity with which many addressed one another. Insults flew, names were called, characters were assaulted, and intelligence was questioned.  I know.  I was one of those people as well.

I found myself easily angered by the obstinance of anyone whose views varied from mine.  Don't get me wrong, my views have not changed or softened in the slightest when it comes to the liberal vs. conservative debate.  My views are based on history, logic, evidence.  However, I also recognize that others have views about which they are just as passionate and to which they are just as committed.

Having listened to a lot of pundits and pontificators over the past few years, people on both sides of the political bird, I have heard one disturbing thing that was common among them.  Name-calling and immaturity.  

We on the right were outraged by Joe Biden's derisive laughter during the Vice Presidential Debate.  We were angered by Barack Obama's sarcastic vitriol during the Presidential Debates.  We become inflamed every time Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi open their mouths.  Rightfully so.  However, do we have the moral high ground here?

"Idiot in Chief"
"BoBo the Clown"
"His O'liness"
"Osama Obama"

These are all things that I've heard conservatives say to refer to President Obama.  Many of these things were spoken by conservative talk show hosts, others posted on blogs and in articles.

I'm guilty, too.  I've been so frustrated and angry about the President's policies that I've condescended to name calling.  However, I was wrong to do so.  

What right do we have to be upset when someone whose opinions differ from ours insults someone we admire when we're spewing the same kind of ignorant bile in our conversations?

This is not how we win the next election.  This is not how we sway the opinions of others and convince them of the value of conservative ideals.  Shame on us for playing to the lowest common denominator and resorting to juvenile name-calling like fifth graders on a playground!  We have logic on our side.  We have history on our side.  How can we expect to win the all-important debates on economics, national security and public policy when we're acting this way?  This is what they do!  We don't have to talk this way to win.

Here's what we need to do.  We need to demonstrate logically and calmly how conservative philosophies, when put into action, benefit the listener.  We demonstrate, passionately but respectfully, how the logic of the left falls apart.  We draw the timeline, and show how it diverges from a workable or acceptable solution.
In short, we win by being different than our opponents, not mimicking them.  

We've become a nation of juveniles.  We've "dumbed down" our maturity level to the point that our forefathers would be mortified.  I propose that we live up to the intellectual and mature legacy they've left for us.  Let us elevate our speech, even if they will not.  Then, the contrast between us will be regained.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Not what i was expecting. I thought you were give an opinion on the cult like love of youth in our culture today and how everything is geared toward them as we ignore the wisdom of our elders. Good food in what you wrote. My experience has been that people who call names rarely if ever will listen to a differing viewpoint.


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