Tuesday, April 19, 2011


As I sit at my desk in the Willard Davis Cellular store, watching the trees bending sharply in the early afternoon wind, I have a few moments to ponder.  The day started off very sunny and warm, but is expected to deteriorate into severe storms and rain tonight.  Forecasters are saying tornadoes are unlikely but possible.  There is even talk of baseball-sized hail.  Right now, however, the sun is shining through a slightly greyish haze and the wind is stiffly blowing across Willard.  People scamper across the parking lot in their newly rediscovered shorts and tank tops, showing of their not-quite-yet rediscovered spring tans.

It's a quiet day here at the store.  I've had a few customers, but for the most part I've been puttering around the store trying to make it appear cleaner and more presentable.  First impressions are vital, after all.

But, for the moment, I ponder.  I imagine what the temperature must feel like out there in that wind.  I think of being on the lake with my closest friends.  I fantasize about the flavor of the Chinese food I'm smelling from next door.

A bit goofy, perhaps, but I've always been a ponderer.  In school they called it daydreaming.  They frowned upon it as if it were somehow akin to swearwords or writing in one's textbooks.  My reply, though mostly unspoken, was that if there were something more interesting going on in the classroom, I wouldn't be spending my time pondering the goings-on beyond the windows.

So, ponder away, my friends!  Enjoy the limitless world of your imaginations!  Take a moment for mental recreation!  One never knows where one might end up!

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